应欧洲太极拳馆馆长佩德罗的邀请,陈正雷大师和女儿陈媛媛将于3月25日从郑州出发赴西班牙进行为期近两周的太极拳教学活动。此次陈大师在西班牙和法国的太极拳教学将在欧洲掀起又一股习练太极的热潮,更多的海外爱好者将更好的领略到陈氏太极拳的奥妙和中华优秀文化的无穷魅力。 陈大师具体行程: 3月25日从郑州出发赴欧洲 3月26日—30日 巴塞罗那 西班牙 联系人: 佩德罗 P.TORRECILLAS@TENA.S 电话:Tel: 93 8436441 Mobil: 630334424 4月1日—3日 格伦诺布尔 法国 联系人:大卫. 弗伦提斯 dm.florentin@free.fr 电话:+33 ( 0 ) 607334655 4月4日—9日 巴黎 法国 联系人: 简柳军 liujun@free.fr 电话:0033--1--43207066
Grandmaster Chen and his daughter to Europe Grandmaster Chen and his daughter have been invited by Mr. PEDRO —the director of Europe Chen Family Tai Chi Training Center to Europe for give Tai Chi lecture in March 26th to April 10th 2008. This time they will stay in Europe for two weeks, they will unfold a vigorous mass campaign for the Tai Chi exercising and they will make the Tai Chi lovers appreciate the charming of traditional Chinese culture and Chen Family Tai Chi Quan. Grandmaster Chen Zheng Lei’s Workshops in Europe March 25th Beijing—— Barcelona March 26th —30th Barcelona Spain PEDRO E-mail: P.TORRECILLAS@TENA.S Tel: 93 8436441 Mobil: 630334424 April 1st —3rd Goren Noble France David Florentin E-mail: dm.florentin@free.fr Tel: +33( 0 )607334655 April 4th —9th Paris France Jian Liujun E-mail: liujun@free.fr Tel: 0033--1--43207066